Saturday, May 10, 2008

Camas's gift and Bushel 'n' Peck quilt

Well, after that title, no surprises what this post is about...

Since Camas already got her gift and has gushed sufficiently over it I can share it online!

This embroidery pattern is from the Wee Wonderfuls website and the fabric for the crazy quilt border is a mix of new and vintage fabrics and all vintage buttons.

I tried to pick buttons that reminded me of Camas, and embellished the little girl a bit...

Remember, you can click on the pictures for a larger version for better viewing!

With Dodo's quilt finished, and the fabric for Ian's quilt not here yet, I got a chance to finish Tippy's quilt.

As a windfall for me, as I was ordering fabric, I ended up with enough to make two of these quilts, so I get one too!

Here's a close up of the fabrics. I totally copied this pattern from a picture I found on the web... If it's your's let me know and I can give you credit!

The cat approves of this quilt!

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