The blanket bee for Project Linus got it off to a good start when I stayed there for a few hours and cranked out 4 quilt tops.
I came home and pieced, tied and bound this baby blanket for one of Jeff's shipmates that night.
I brought a few kits home from the blanket bee and started assembling the next day.
Here is #1.
*meow- where's mine?*
Then I took a break and turned this
into this.
I had to hand sew the pages together into a book, so I went ahead and did some embroidery along the spine, too.
Here is Project Linus kit #2.
And the I made another baby quilt. I actually quilted this one, so it took longer.
All tied up and ready to go.
I remembered I had these tags and thought it would add a nice touch...
Back to the kits... There's #3...
And #4...
Man, 6 quilts and a book... I didn't realize myself that I was so productive... and yes mom, the dishes, laundry and picking up are all done, too.
Looking forward:
I have 1 more kit, this month's TIF challenge piece (which I already have an idea about), 4 Christmas gifts (one is mostly done) and then I'm getting back to my cathedral windows and chicken scratch! I miss my hand work!